April 15th Information!

April 7, 2009

Thank you for your patience folks!

The April 15th, Tea Party Rally is coming together nicely, with 2000-4000 expected to attend this event. People are alarmed with what is happening to our country and they are standing up for their children’s and their grand children’s futures. Even those who votes for change, are quickly coming to realize, this is NOT the change they had hoped for! Thank you for your concern and willingness to stand and be counted, and saying ENOUGH!

This Tea Party Protest in Boise and across this great land, is only the beginning! April 15th is about being seen and heard. To put our non representative representatives (I wish I had come up with that) on notice. To make THEM aware, we are watching, taking note, and taking action, if they refuse to act in not only our best interest, but the best interests of our grand children.

We have many wonderful people who have stepped up and asked, “how can I help?” People who have experience on the legislative side. Expertise in jury nullification, book clubs, public speaking and education. Education is the key to making a difference in the long run.

The short run matters as well! We must let our politicians know we are here and watching. This is our only hope in the short term, of providing some level of checks and balances. Come 2010, we can then impose our own checks and balances once again. With God’s blessing, and a lot of effort, we can affect even greater change toward the preservation of our GREAT Country in 2012, by replacing a man who promised change, and gave soft tyranny.

April 15th, we are meeting at Ann Morrison Park at 9:00am, for those who would like to make signs. A sign making party..if you will. We will begin our March down the greenbelt toward the Capital street bridge at 11:30am and pause at the Ann Frank Memorial for approximately20-30 min. where we will have a couple of speakers. We then march to Capital park, in front of the Capital..arriving at approximately12:30pm.

Once at Capital park, we will have music as people gather and settle in..followed by several speakers. We will also have a table set up for registration, so you can remain in the loop for upcoming events, legislation and participation. We also hope to have a large constitution for people to sign, as a testimony of their presence at this rally.

Later in the evening, we will gather back at Ann Morrison park, for a celebration of Liberty, for those who were unable to attend the afternoon rally. There will be more music, fun and games…perhaps even food.

For more information visit:  www.teapartyboise.com

The Pledge!

March 24, 2009

President Obama is an expert when it comes to populist rhetoric and grass root’s efforts. His years as a “community” organizer with Acorn taught him much in the arena of effective politics. Now, in an unprecedented move by any President, he is asking Acorn and others to go door to door with a “new pledge,” in order for people to commit to the “un-American”, socialistic policies of his agenda.

“This is just the beginning for us,” said Jeremy Bird, deputy national director of Organizing for America, in an on-line video this week to Obama supporters . “The establishment in Washington won’t welcome this new direction easily. We can’t let this plan be debated solely behind closed doors in Washington, D.C.” Yet, thus far, every bill which has come before the President to signature has be done completely behind closed doors in Washington. I have no faith this budget will be any different. The rhetoric is familiar to the past, while the reality bears no resemblance to the rhetoric. I’ve said it before… It’s always about “crisis”, “now”, “only government”…(did I mention) “now”?

This is the false premise of every agenda item this administration has on it’s plate. This is the rhetoric which they hope will cause you to hand over your liberty as they make a grab for nationalizing the private sector as completely and quickly as possible.

There is however, some risk this approach will back fire for President Obama, as he attempts to further his efforts during the Presidential campaign of Internet marketing with a populist message. An approach which proved effective in motivating a grass roots movement to motivate his eventual election. The risk is in the possibility that many who originally supported Obama and his policies are now realizing, this is NOT the change they were expecting.

The left has spent years lamenting Corporate welfare programs, while blaming Republicans for this very practice which they are now saying is “critical” in this “crisis”. Keeping in mind that “crises” is paramount to getting people to give up liberties, usually because they assume it won’t affect them personally, in a negative way. Rather, it will exact control and punishment to the various “guilty” parties. The problem with this logic is that once the government takes control in one area, control of the next is that much easier. Soon, it’s simple tyranny!

It is incumbent upon liberty loving Americans everywhere to fight fire with fire. We must make a commitment to not only help motivate the grass roots of liberty forward, but to keep that motivation moving forward until the enemies of such freedom and liberty have been defeated completely in the arena of ideas. Defeated to the point of no return, lest we forget! Organize a grass roots effort toward a pledge of liberty. Consider over the next few days how you will personally make a difference in moving that pledge forward. Watch for an update on this blog, as well as our “resource organizing” arm of the National Tea Party Movement. www.teapartyboise.com

Watch for details on pledge points, to center around the concept of fiscal responsibility by our representatives. We must exercise personal responsibility when it comes to our families personal finances. It is consistent and reasonable we require the same of our elected representatives. This does NOT include spending your children’s and grand children’s future, to rescue those who have not been responsible. http://www.washingtonpost.com





Road Bocks to Blogs…

March 23, 2009

I know there has not been much of anything new forth coming in this “blogosphere” lately. For that I apologise. Not only is this blog very new, but so are our efforts with the local tea party in the Boise area. We are focused very hard right now, until April 15 to make the Idaho Tea Party a successful one. In order to do that, we must focus diligently.

I will get up to speed very quickly and substantively after the April 15, National Tea Party rally. Thank you for you interest and your patience. I simply ask you not forget we are here and check back often. Especially after the 15th. If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to  libertyslion@gmail.com as that is were I check and receive my email regularly.

Thank You Very much.

The true outrage of this whole AIG “debacle” rests solidly within the Obama administration. The attack upon the private sector and capitalism continues with unabashed pride and phony outrage.

AIG’s disclosure of these bonuses were known over one year ago, as they disclosed to the government their financial plan moving forward . Why was nothing said about this then? Why was nothing said about this before they received our “bail out” money? Why was there NO strings attached or oversight required, when yours, mine, heck..our grand children’s tax money was thrown out the window “willy nilly”..so to speak?

Why did Obama pardon the former CEO of AIG while turning around and demonizing this very same company in which the governments ownership is now upwards of 80%. Some 95 plus Billion of these no strings, unregulated “bail out” funds went to foreign banks and virtual charitys such as Goldman Sachs, who only a few months ago said they needed NO funds.

How did this happen you may ask? First of all, Obama’s Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Guitner headed up the “oversight” of AIG’s “restructuring” and “bailout”  as head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, over a year ago.  Apparently, Guitner has “no nose” for sniffing out financial problems. I say this in light of his own tax evasion…. sorry, I meant tax “problems”…or should I say, “oversight”? Tax problems rectified only immediately prior to taking the job as Secretary of the Treasury. Is it any wonder then in a recently released poll, that Obama and Guitner recieved an F for their handling of the economy thus far.

The Federal Government is now the principle owner of AIG and  has been stonewalling  information for weeks. Now, because they knew what was happening behind the scenes, they understood full well, they would be “on the hook” for this mess. A straw dog was needed and needed NOW. As “luck” would have it, the dog “came a waggin”, via the phony retention bonus “scandal”. Once again, the Obama administration was caught with their collective “foot” in their mouths when just today, Ed Liddy, the recently appointed (by Henry Paulson) CEO of AIG, contradicted the White House when they claimed, “they only learned of the bonuses just last week”.

Now, in a typical exhibition of double standards and hypocrisy, Chris Dodd, Chairman of the Senate banking committee sits in judgment of AIG, suggesting to pass legislation in order to tax the bonuses 100%. This after being the second largest recipient of  donations by AIG in 2008, totaling $103,900.   Once again..or should I say… still?, the fox is left guarding the chicken house even while it has feathers dangling from it’s mouth, while running around saying it’s the chickens fault. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the media ignore or sweep the feathers under the rug, while shining the prime time spotlight on the fox, noting how it’s the fox pointing at the chickens. “Let’s hear what the fox has to say….there you have it, the fox say’s, it is in fact… the chickens fault”! Back to you Jim…..

For you trivia fans…would you care to guess who the single largest recipient of AIG donations was in 2008? If you said President Obama, you would be the grand prize winner. I’m sorry to say however, the grand prize is substantially less than the $104,332 President Obama received from AIG in 2008.  Perhaps this would explain why Hank Greenberg, former chairman and CEO of AIG received a virtual pardon from the Obama administration for this travesty.

Now, after getting the finger of blame pointed at him, Sen. Dodd (D) has said unequivocally, the language included in his proposal regarding AIG , did NOT included protection for bonuses. In fact, an amendment proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D- OR) and Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), in the stimulus bill which not one Senator had read, included an additional 35% tax, on top of the already existing tax for any bonuses over $10,000,  had disappeared. Interestingly enough, it was in a meeting with Sen. Harry Reed (D- NV), Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and white house chief of staff Rham Emanuel from the administration, who specifically added language protecting bonuses in the stimulus (which nobody read) prior toe Feb. 11, 2008

Thus, comes forth the Phony Outrage. To provide cover for the true culprits of ACTUAL outrage. The phony and yes, outrageous pointing toward the “straw dog”, exclaiming…”Capitalism is evil and corrupt”!… By the way…Pay no attention to that silly man behind the curtain, because….”it’s Capitalism’s fault”! This of course is the pre…o.k..not so “pre-cursor” to the cry for more government intervention. In the words of our fearless, yet oh so “competent”  leader, “Government is the only thing that can save us”.  I say “competent” leader because decimation of the private sector, free markets and capitalism in general, I believe is intended and deliberate.he “slight” of hand is in the fact that “they” use contrary language to this objective. Again…IGNORE THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!

Further making the point just today, President Obama indicated he would “urge” congress to pass legislation requiring more government control over our financial institutions. Can you say, “gag me with a spoon”?  I don’t know about you, but I AM in fact outraged and it isn’t at the pittance (as compared to everything spent in this “bailout” thus far) of the few million given as bonuses. I’m fit to be tied, that this administration, aided by the media, is allowed to display such blatant hypocrisy while using fraudulent “outrage” as cover to take over America’s financial institutions. After all, they have such a stellar track record with everything they’ve ever touched so far. I hark-en back to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the current financial crises in general…the list goes on and on and there is only so much time in a day.

Here’s the deal. If you don’t ignore the man behind the curtain, you may actually come to realize it was precisely government intervention which has caused this whole debacle and in fact created the overall crises that Rham Emanuel says, “should never go to waste”.  Beginning in 2005, when AIG first began to show signs of strain, then New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer stepped in and fired longtime CEO Hank Greenberg. AIG almost immediately had it’s triple A credit rating  down graded, allowing for access to lower interest rate loans. Then AIG turns around and invests heavily into the failing housing market, and why not ? The system was set up by two Presidents and enforced by Congress to enable Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to take any and all  bad loans off their hands. After all, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are partially owned by, backed by and insured by the Federal government. Is anyone seeing a pattern here? To add insult to injury, Fannie Mae’s top executives now stand in line to receive millions in bonuses. Freddie Mac intends to follow suit, but has not yet announced which executives will actually be receiving them. Let us see how much, if any at all…”outrage” will be directed toward these two favorite institutions of the left. I know I will personally will be watching with great interest.

Mr. Greenberg’s successors understood the game had changed. In a 2005 SEC filing they warned that a lower credit rating would mean they would likely need to post more collateral to trading counterparties. However, rather than managing their risks more conservatively , they chose the opposite direction. Unfortunately , they did what Greenberg’s AIG had never done — doubled down on housing.

Now, after being had picked by the government in 2008,  new CEO Ed Liddy seems to be on a campaign of creating an environment of  “systemic instability and fear”, in order to quell objections of more taxpayer infusion of cash. Congress and in particular this administration want to focus on these puny, insignificant bonuses, because it takes focus off of the REAL culprits. THEMSELVES! I am outraged alright but not for the phony reasons our hypocritical leaders and the media wish.

Sources related to this story:









If this concept doesn’t smack of Hitlers youth some 70 years ago, then you simply don’t know your history. Nick named “tattle tale  brigade”, this new concept of  “civil service”,  is something in which to be concerned . As you watch the following video you will note how Obama mentions the need for a civilian force to be “just as powerful”, “just as well funded”, and “just as strong” as our military”!  Are you kidding me? This leads to the logicAl question, WHY? America has one of the most well funded, strongest, best trained military’s in the world, and they think we need a comparable civil service youth?

The left, Obama in particular, doesn’t believe we are at war when it comes to terror. If we were to believe as they would have us, it’s merely a law enforcement issue. So why pray tell, do we not increase funding and personnel for our police departments? May I suggest that it’s because eligible adults for our police departments are too “set in their ways” as Americans, in order to violate the constitutional rights of  those they are supposed to serve. Of course, the sure to be brainwashed “Obama youth”, will eventually be those hired by our police departments. Now there’s an encouraging thought.

This whole concept sort of brings home the necessity for gun rights by law abiding citizens and the reason for which the left is salivating at the very thought of the erosion and eventual elimination of the second amendment.  We hear often that history repeats itself. Perhaps it would serve us well to remember certain facts in history that seem to be repeating themselves even now..if not obviously at the moment, it certainly has a distinct, familiar flavor.  You will remember that one of the first things Hitler did after coming to power, was to establish gun laws, beginning with registration for law abiding citizens, (read Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 – Translated to English) followed by confiscation, followed by murderous tyranny. I’m not saying, at last not yet, that it will progress quite as far as it did in 1943, but it all begins with the first step does it not? When you hold up proposal of mandatory civil service, in the light of history, it’s simply unacceptable on ANY level.

Of course, recent shooting sprees, such as the one in Geneva, Alabama, where a deranged gunman killed ten innocent people, including (not so innocent) himself, is perfect fodder for the left to cry from every mountain top near and far, for more gun control, even for law abiding citizens. What compounds the problem of course, is that all too many Americans will be swayed by the heart wrenching images and stories of innocent victims, they too will likely be tempted join in the chorus for more gun control.  This of course will pave the way, for the very real possibility of history repeating itself, on one level or another.

Paranoid you say? Perhaps? Maybe you would consider the fact that a bill has already been proposed for just such a law.  HR 45 rings eerily familiar to some seventy plus years ago, wouldn’t you agree? Read the language of the bill for yourself, and then tell me I’m paranoid.

Review language of HR45

Click on any story headline to comment:

Kurt Nimmo
March 11, 2009

The U.S. Army dispatched soldiers to patrol the streets of Samson, Alabama, a small southern town where a rampaging gunman killed 10 people on Tuesday. This obvious violation of the Posse Comitatus Act prohibiting the federal uniformed services from exercising state and local law enforcement was completely ignored by the corporate media with the exception of Reuters and the London Telegraph (see photo and video).

featured-stories - U.S. Army Puts Soldiers on the Street in Alabama in Response to Shootings
Camp Delta
From Reuters: “U.S. Army soldiers from Ft. Rucker patrol the downtown area of Samson, Alabama after a shooting spree March 10, 2009.”

On September 30, 2008, the Army Times reported the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, a component of Northern Command, would be “on-call” in response to “natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.” The Army Times article reported the military would be used for “crowd and traffic control” and be issued “nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them.” According to the article, “expectations are that another, as yet unnamed, active-duty brigade will take over and that the mission will be a permanent one..” (Emphasis added.)

In early 2006, the 109th Congress passed a bill containing controversial provisions granting the president the ability to use federal troops inside the United States in emergency situations. These changes (in Section 1076) were included in the John Warner Defense Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 2007.

In 2008, Congress restored many of the earlier limitations on the president’s ability to deploy troops within the United States, but Bush issued a signing statement indicating he was not bound by the changes.

“The story of how Section 1076 became law vivifies how expanding government power is almost always the correct answer in Washington,” James Bovard wrote for the American Conservative on April 23, 2007. “Some people have claimed the provision was slipped into the bill in the middle of the night. In reality, the administration clearly signaled its intent and almost no one in the media or Congress tried to stop it.”

The dispatch of troops to Alabama in response to a local law enforcement situation represents a further erosion of Posse Comitatus and the continued federalization of state and local law enforcement.

A Telegraph video on the shootings in Alabama propagandizes against the right to own
firearms in the United States and the Second Amendment.

Finally, the corporate media in Britain has exploited the situation in an effort to denigrate the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights. In a transparent propaganda piece (see video above), the Telegraph states that “mass shootings have become a feature of life in the U.S. in recent years. Guns are widely available for purchase in a country that prides itself on the right to own weapons for self defense and hunting.” Britain has some of the most restrictive gun legislation in the world.

After Britain’s government banned guns in 1997, the rate of violent crime more than doubled. “A recent study of all the countries of western Europe has found that in 2001 Britain had the worst record for killings, violence and burglary, and its citizens had one of the highest risks in the industrialized world of becoming victims of crime,” historian Joyce Lee Malcolm wrote for the fall 2004 issue of Journal on Firearms & Public Policy.

Murder by Memo

March 10, 2009

The case for embryonic human stem cell research butchery

by Laine Johnson

“Moreover, no man knows when his hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them.” (Ecclesiastes 9:12 NIV)

This morning, I listened as the news anchor forced a bright tone into his voice and regurgitated the poisonous talking points of the memo he just consumed:

“President Obama has signed a Presidential declaration that will allow embryonic stem cell research to proceed forward …” The announcer goes on to list all the wonderful medical breakthroughs that this research will under gird.  We are assured that the embryos are left over in fertility clinics, and would not have been used anyway.”  These embryos were never intended to be allowed to live, so it is OK to kill them now.  But, don’t worry, the News Anchor assures us- we will never cross that really bright line- we will never produce embryos for the purpose of killing them!  How moral of us!  How refined!

So with the stroke of his pen, Obama has made this decision to withdraw protection from the least among us.  For a man who famously claimed that decisions about life in its earliest, most delicate phases was “beyond his pay grade,” Obama is certainly giving us our money’s worth now.  We only have to pay a lowly presidents salary to a man who is now freely and recklessly making decisions about other people’s right to live and die.  Obama’s presidency can almost be defined by the phrase “making decisions beyond his pay grade.”

In his “fair and impartial” voice, the news announcer pretends to state the position of opponents of embryonic stem cell research, “Opponents of embryonic stem cell research say that such research is unethical because the embryos still have a chance to grow up to be people.”

How clever.  How dishonest.  How revolting.  How disingenuous.  “Because the embryos still have a chance to grow up to be people.”  No, Mr. News Announcer, the “embryos” are human already.  You are just using the word “embryo” to camouflage that truth.  You know that “embryo” does not conjure up a tiny human with ten toes and ten fingers- you know that people think of an embryo as non-human, as some kind of a tissue blob that does not look like us.  It’s always easier to kill a person if you dehumanize him.  And you have done it with a word!  How brilliant! How stunning! How terrifying!

And Mr. News Announcer, now that you have turned the reality of humanity into a talking point, how will you escape from the “evil times that fall unexpectedly” on men?  Have you not considered that someday in the near future, when you are in your News Announcer Nursing Home, that someone will not silently creep into YOUR room and remove YOUR life support?  They will reason that you had your chance to be human, but now your time has passed, and someone younger needs your bed to finish out THEIR fully human experience.  You will not need that bed- someone younger has decided that your time has come to matriculate out of humanity.  Do you think anyone will be listening to you then, as you desperately try to tell them that you missed THAT memo?

True Motivation

March 10, 2009

Obamas Chief of staff Rahm Emanuel tells us what the REAL motivation of the administration is all about.

You may have heard Hilary Clinton repeat this slogan. It has become the battle cry of the left.

Please excuse our mess! This site is currently under construction and editing. Check back often as we take shape for your viewing pleasure ; – )

IN my opinion, one of the most brilliant economists ever! The father of “trickle down economics”, Friedman had his philosophy tested by time and tyranny. Both proved him a genius.

Be sure to see the thumbnails at the bottom of the clip, after it has finished playing. There you will find many more brilliant and relevant clips by Milton Frienman and Thomas Sowell. Please enjoy!