The Pledge!

March 24, 2009

President Obama is an expert when it comes to populist rhetoric and grass root’s efforts. His years as a “community” organizer with Acorn taught him much in the arena of effective politics. Now, in an unprecedented move by any President, he is asking Acorn and others to go door to door with a “new pledge,” in order for people to commit to the “un-American”, socialistic policies of his agenda.

“This is just the beginning for us,” said Jeremy Bird, deputy national director of Organizing for America, in an on-line video this week to Obama supporters . “The establishment in Washington won’t welcome this new direction easily. We can’t let this plan be debated solely behind closed doors in Washington, D.C.” Yet, thus far, every bill which has come before the President to signature has be done completely behind closed doors in Washington. I have no faith this budget will be any different. The rhetoric is familiar to the past, while the reality bears no resemblance to the rhetoric. I’ve said it before… It’s always about “crisis”, “now”, “only government”…(did I mention) “now”?

This is the false premise of every agenda item this administration has on it’s plate. This is the rhetoric which they hope will cause you to hand over your liberty as they make a grab for nationalizing the private sector as completely and quickly as possible.

There is however, some risk this approach will back fire for President Obama, as he attempts to further his efforts during the Presidential campaign of Internet marketing with a populist message. An approach which proved effective in motivating a grass roots movement to motivate his eventual election. The risk is in the possibility that many who originally supported Obama and his policies are now realizing, this is NOT the change they were expecting.

The left has spent years lamenting Corporate welfare programs, while blaming Republicans for this very practice which they are now saying is “critical” in this “crisis”. Keeping in mind that “crises” is paramount to getting people to give up liberties, usually because they assume it won’t affect them personally, in a negative way. Rather, it will exact control and punishment to the various “guilty” parties. The problem with this logic is that once the government takes control in one area, control of the next is that much easier. Soon, it’s simple tyranny!

It is incumbent upon liberty loving Americans everywhere to fight fire with fire. We must make a commitment to not only help motivate the grass roots of liberty forward, but to keep that motivation moving forward until the enemies of such freedom and liberty have been defeated completely in the arena of ideas. Defeated to the point of no return, lest we forget! Organize a grass roots effort toward a pledge of liberty. Consider over the next few days how you will personally make a difference in moving that pledge forward. Watch for an update on this blog, as well as our “resource organizing” arm of the National Tea Party Movement.

Watch for details on pledge points, to center around the concept of fiscal responsibility by our representatives. We must exercise personal responsibility when it comes to our families personal finances. It is consistent and reasonable we require the same of our elected representatives. This does NOT include spending your children’s and grand children’s future, to rescue those who have not been responsible.


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