April 15th Information!

April 7, 2009

Thank you for your patience folks!

The April 15th, Tea Party Rally is coming together nicely, with 2000-4000 expected to attend this event. People are alarmed with what is happening to our country and they are standing up for their children’s and their grand children’s futures. Even those who votes for change, are quickly coming to realize, this is NOT the change they had hoped for! Thank you for your concern and willingness to stand and be counted, and saying ENOUGH!

This Tea Party Protest in Boise and across this great land, is only the beginning! April 15th is about being seen and heard. To put our non representative representatives (I wish I had come up with that) on notice. To make THEM aware, we are watching, taking note, and taking action, if they refuse to act in not only our best interest, but the best interests of our grand children.

We have many wonderful people who have stepped up and asked, “how can I help?” People who have experience on the legislative side. Expertise in jury nullification, book clubs, public speaking and education. Education is the key to making a difference in the long run.

The short run matters as well! We must let our politicians know we are here and watching. This is our only hope in the short term, of providing some level of checks and balances. Come 2010, we can then impose our own checks and balances once again. With God’s blessing, and a lot of effort, we can affect even greater change toward the preservation of our GREAT Country in 2012, by replacing a man who promised change, and gave soft tyranny.

April 15th, we are meeting at Ann Morrison Park at 9:00am, for those who would like to make signs. A sign making party..if you will. We will begin our March down the greenbelt toward the Capital street bridge at 11:30am and pause at the Ann Frank Memorial for approximately20-30 min. where we will have a couple of speakers. We then march to Capital park, in front of the Capital..arriving at approximately12:30pm.

Once at Capital park, we will have music as people gather and settle in..followed by several speakers. We will also have a table set up for registration, so you can remain in the loop for upcoming events, legislation and participation. We also hope to have a large constitution for people to sign, as a testimony of their presence at this rally.

Later in the evening, we will gather back at Ann Morrison park, for a celebration of Liberty, for those who were unable to attend the afternoon rally. There will be more music, fun and games…perhaps even food.

For more information visit:  www.teapartyboise.com

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