GOP Porkers In Congress: We Name Names


An Invitation

We must preserve the legacy established for us by those who really understood the meaning of inconvenient obligation and sacrifice.

Too often, those who came before offered and gave the ultimate sacrifice. Surely we can too can offer the simple presence of our body’s and our minds for a couple of hours, toward something so precious…and Lord willing, lasting!

The spending and nationalization of Americas private sector is taking place before our very eyes like never before  in our lifetime. This runs counter the rhetoric we heard during the campaign. In fact, it runs counter to the rhetoric we hear coming from the lips of the administration as we speak, while they look us in the eye, reach out and tighten the grip around our virtual necks.

Unsuspecting Americans are lulled into relinquishing their liberty as well as their income, (which also equals liberty) because after all, , “hope” still resonates in many Americans head from the very long campaign, even though in reality, hope as spoken of by Obama, has fallen by the way side. In it’s place is the new message of  “urgent crises” , the “likes of which America has not seen sense the great depression”. ..”It’s only going to get worse, before it gets better…maybe….Oh…and only government can fix the  the problems we now face”. This is the new order of the day. The new message which has replaced one of “hope”. Could this be why the message of hope and change were so vague during the campaign? Could this be the reason the media were so timid in probing the question of  “who is Barrack Obama?  Could it be that they already knew? The answer is and was readily available. Barrack Obama has a history. He has a stable of mentors and associates. Could it be the media knew what would be the reaction of the American people? Could this be the reason they chose to focus on the number two of the Republican ticket? Why the sent an army of investigators to Alaska, while totally ignoring the number one of the Democrat ticket, refusing even a handful of investigators to Chicago, asking simple yet fair and relevant questions? Could it be that the number two on the Republican ticket (Sarh Palin) truly represented the rhetoric emanating from the Obama campaign, of real “change” and “hope”? The definitions in which equaled those that the vast majority of Americans believed.

Change  however still exists, yet the meaning of change as the administration originally intended Americans to understand  and believe, has NOT changed. What you THOUGHT  was supposed to be change, is merely politics as usual, except it’s NOT as usual, because it’s on steroids.

Capitalism and free markets in America have been ” mainlined” with a lethal cocktail, connected to their collective corroded artery.  The executioner is  the Obama administration. The administering officers responsible for marching these icons of liberty to the death chamber, are the Democrat leadership primarily, aided by Rino’s (Republicans In Name Only) secondarily. These are the “leaders” who have been pounding the drums of socialism for years now. Those drums have always seemed to be outside the gates of freedom, at least as compared to the deafening, steady, hollow boom…booom…boooom we hear growing closer and louder each day. Louder,  and more undeniable than ever, we watch as those very necessary icons of capitalism and free markets are jeered and demonized, while they make their  way quickly, steadily, surely to the death chamber of socialism.

But wait!, Something is  brewing!…I can smell it in the air..can’t you? I’ve felt it for a few weeks now. Now…finally, I smell it! Ahhh…yes…THIS is the change for which I..ME…WE have been waiting!!! It’s nerve racking and exciting. New…yet old. The struggle is familiar, but never like this in our lifetime. Familiar because some have heard the drum beat for years and warned others to take heed. Many of these patriots have often been scoffed, ridiculed and impugned, but now some who once laughed, now stand somber as the drum beat resonates in their throat too. Is it resonating in yours? Is it dawning on you as we all watch the shadow of tyranny engulf those beautiful and powerful icons of Liberty? Icons responsible for so much that is good and right in the world. One would hardly recognize that truth now. The deafening boom…booom…boooom of tyranny, lies, combined with slight of hand has drowned out the cries of liberty and free markets, as they plead their  case before those who have enjoyed their rewards.

The American people, still “hoping” for the change they thought was coming, are beginning to look around with some confusion. They are beginning to recognize that THIS is NOT the change they believed was coming. This is NOT the change they believe will offer the same hope and opportunity for freedom and prosperity for their families, as they once knew themselves, handed down from generation to generation. Liberty and prosperity as offered by the hand of hard work, personal responsibility and sacrifice of our ancestors. American are becoming aware and nervous, even noting, if not feeling an angst toward the hurried, dark rhetoric of what was once understood by them, as “hope”. Change, yes…BUT NOT THIS!  This kind of change will have the opposite effect. What’s more, this kind of change in many cases, can never be turned back…EVER…the scope is so massive!

Thus the “smell in the air”. Patriots are gathering across the land! Gathering for a “spot of tea”. Gathering to make their presence known and voices heard. Gathering at a location near you. We here at Political Logos will soon be posting times, dates and locations of these organized, peaceful and civil events. Stay tuned for details and tell every liberty loving patriot to heed the call. Make your presence known and voices heard, for the sake of everything you hold dear as a God fearing, Liberty loving American.

Estimated 15,000 atendees at the Fullerton, Tea Party!

For more on the national effort over the weekend, see the following headline, and follow the link to Michelle Malkins blog:

Tea Party on: Taxpayer revolts in Green Bay, Lafayette, Olathe, and Harrisburg; Plus: Live from Fullerton CA… “Recall the Taxinator!;” Arnie videotapes/DVDs smashes/shredded

12 Responses to “National Tea Party”

  1. Jack M. Moutrie Says:

    When is the State Department going to define that the “Usurper” in the White House is “not a natural born American citizen? Article II, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution clearly requires this clause to be eligible to be president of the U.S.A.
    535 members of the U.S. Congress plus nine black robes called the Supremes took the oath of office to honor and protect the U.S. Constitution, but that is not happening….is it fear, what is ahead? As I understand Taxpaying American citizens have “NO STANDING” to ask any questions, is that a communist or a fascist ruling…..since we are already past socialism.

  2. […] City: Boise When: April 15, Noon – 2:00pm MT Where: State Capitol steps Contact: EMAIL Other Info: […]

  3. Carla Says:

    I want to join the tea party on April 15

  4. Marie Says:

    A tea party is being planned to occur in Buhl, Idaho, approximately 3:00 pm at a business on Broadway. Planning is in the early stages.

  5. Carla Says:

    Are you apart of the one in boise on april 15?

  6. Frank Says:

    I’ll be there. Between now and then, I will pass the word on to many others that probably aren’t aware of this patriotic movement.

  7. Indira Says:

    My husband and I will be there. Can anyone give us an estimate as to how many are expected? Thanks.

  8. maretta Says:

    I will be there.

    Contact me.

  9. maretta Says:

    I’ll be there.


  10. stephanie Says:

    I have seen three different times for the Boise tea party.
    8:30 to 11 a.m.
    12:00 to 2 p.m.
    9:00am to 1 pm

    Which of these is acurate?

  11. LogicAl Says:

    please visit for the latest and most accurate information, regarding the tax day tea party.



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